To Win In Spanish

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Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying. The more logical your points, the more likely you are to win. If you want to start logically defining your arguments in Spanish, you will need some key vocabulary called Spanish transition phrases. What transition phrases allow you to do is to set up an argument in a logical sequence. To win sb's hand (in marriage) obtener la mano de algn (en matrimonio) (formal); to win sb's heart conquistar a algn. We must win the hearts of the new generation. To win sb to one's cause ganar a algn. Typing Spanish Accents. Where you need to type accented characters, we have provided a toolbar. Simply click on the character you want to insert.



won, wŭnwin·ning,
  • to be victorious ganar, triunfar
  • to succeed tener éxito

to win out

  • triunfar, salir victorioso


  • race, bet ganar
  • prize, victory ganar, llevarse
  • fame, glory ganar, hacerse
  • to obtain obtener, conseguir
  • favor, support alcanzar, lograr obtener
  • affection, sympathy conquistar, granjearse
  • attention captar, atraer
  • minería, mineralogía extraer, sacar
To Win In Spanish

to win at

  • ganar en

to win glory

  • cosechar laureles

to win someone over

  • ganarse la amistad, el apoyo de alguien
To Win In Spanish

to win at

  • ganar en

to win glory

  • cosechar laureles

to win someone over

  • ganarse la amistad, el apoyo de alguien

to win the favor of

  • caer en gracia a


  • victory victoria, triunfo another win for the President - una nueva victoria del presidente
  • amount earned ganancia

Pronunciation /wɪn/

transitive verbwinning, won, won

  • (gain)
    (scholarship/promotion)obtener formal
    (pay increase)conseguir
    to win sth off sb
    it took me a while to win their confidenceme llevó un tiempo ganarme su confianza
    • her first novel won the acclaim of the criticssu primera novela tuvo una excelente acogida por parte de la crítica
    • this won her a place on the national teamesto le valió un puesto en el equipo nacional
    • their perseverance won them universal admirationsu perseverancia les granjeó / les valió la admiración de todos
    • the Conservatives won 287 seatslos conservadores obtuvieron 287 escaños
    • vote-winning tacticsmaniobras para obtener votos
    • the contract has been won by a British firmel contrato le ha sido adjudicado a una empresa británica
    • they've won business from their competitorsle han quitado clientes a la competencia
    • she won £50 off me at cardsme ganó 50 libras jugando a las cartas
    • to win sth backrecuperar algo
    • There have been reports of Welsh students even going as far as entering wet t-shirt contests to win prize money so they can pay their rent.
    • This is said to be the first such endeavour in Kerala, in which passengers stand to win prizes.
    • Remember, the youth member who collects the most lids wins the prize.
    • The entrant which gets the highest number of text votes will walk away with the trophy, while one of the voters will be picked at random to win a prize.
    • In 1999, he won a prize in the Better Photography contest in the amateur category.
    • He has also won several prizes in novel and serial story writing contests held by teen and women's magazines.
    • A collection of poems, Lapidarium, won the National Literary Prize for a debut book.
    • It won the Booker Prize last year, but received no garlands from Pat.
    • Reproduced are paintings, which won the top prizes in a contest organised by a Malayalam daily.
    • He would probably have won a prize in a Beatles lookalike contest in 1965.
    • Yes, it's true, I've won first prize in the Writer Online Minuscule Fiction Contest.
    • Up to £30 could be won in prizes at the contest, which was held to replace Broughton Sports.
    • To add to the excitement, families can take part in a lucky draw contest with fabulous prizes to be won.
    • Last year, he won the second prize at a contest in Spain and the fourth spot at China.
    • Competing in a contest with seventeen other girls she missed winning the overall prize by the narrowest of margins.
    • And while Smith himself will not win any prizes for eloquence, his achievements speak loud and clear.
    • The pick of the lot will win a prize of £100 donated by Bedfordshire on Sunday.
    • Ben Wyvis, for instance, is unlikely to win any prizes in a contest against some of the more shapely Highland summits.
    • Part of this involves a trivia contest that allows kids to win McDonald's prizes.
    • All you have to do to win this incredible prize is collect the coupons and fill in the answers to each evening's questions.
    • However, he will bring fresh thinking to the party's efforts to win support.
    • However one British expert claimed previous efforts by him to win support for such work had fallen on deaf ears.
    • She also experienced reps regularly taking young doctors out for boozy meals in an effort to win their favour.
    • For this Olympics, Taiwan spared neither money nor effort to win international recognition.
    • The new king, he summed up, would have to win the love, confidence and support of the Nepalese people.
    • When she had turned fifteen, she had given up trying to win her father's love and attention.
    • The proposals have won enthusiastic support from the government and the media.
    • Here, Millie's warm personality won the attention of staff and students alike.
    • The plans won some support from the unions, but there are concerns about cutting the inspection notice period.
    • The plans have also won the support of the Association of North East Councils.
    • And after a hard sell, the plan is winning the support of the international community.
    • But the company is now winning the attention of some of Australia's biggest corporate players.
    • As a result the two brothers went to Rome in 867 with the intention of winning the support of the Pope.
    • And the friendly tot is already winning the attention of everyone who knows him.
    • Neither of those lofty attributes encompassed the desperate desire to win the support of tabloid newspapers.
    • An assessment program that wins the support of American families must recognize effort and achievement.
    • She prescribes sponge layer cakes or a tray of muffins to make the cook feel good and win the love and admiration of everyone around.
    • The proposals have won the support of North Yorkshire Police and the county's fire and rescue service.
    • These proposals have won wide support from local government, business, and community groups.
    • There must be something else inside that fearsome figure, to have won such love and devotion.
  • (be victorious in)
    • If successful in winning the race to stage the 2012 Olympics, she said the repercussions would be felt far outside London.
    • The Irish team had a very successful outing in winning the tournament.
    • Named player of the championship, he was one of the victorious Army team that won the championship.
    • He won four races off the reel in the first half of last season and ran well on his reappearance on the Flat at Navan on Wednesday.
    • The best of his five hopefuls is surely Lucky Story, who won four races last season.
    • Just over four years ago she won a transatlantic race, routing the competition.
    • Most of the ties were sadly one-sided, England winning four matches by an average margin of 34 points.
    • York Groves could climb off the foot of Pennine League division four if they win their clash at Littleborough.
    • And the President believes the best way to be successful in winning a war is to let the experts run the war.
    • After a very close battle the Athy team won the match and were thrilled with their victory.
    • Rarely do we see accounts of how housewives struggled at home while the men of valor fought the battles and won the wars.
    • London-based Wanderers' fans are celebrating a double survival success after winning their own battle to beat the drop.
    • To the Welsh, success can only mean winning the championship.
    • After losing the first game, the Warriors responded by taking three straight games, winning the match.
    • After winning their first playoff game, the Magic then had an epic battle with Lethbridge.
    • But they have yet to win successive matches in the Premiership this season.
    • I ended up tying for medallist and helping the team win the tournament by four shots.
    • They've won the world championships four times, and they are the reigning champs.
    • It was the second time he has won a British championship race having being victorious last year in the Brecon Beacons.
    • The old football adage that offense wins games and defense wins championships still scores.
  • (extract)
    • Since excavations began at Loy Yang in 1982, the large numbers speak for themselves with 398 million m3 of coal (or 446 million tonnes of coal) being won.

intransitive verbwinning, won, won

  • to win by sthganar por algo


  • triunfo masculine
    the Dolphins have had four/no wins so farlos Dolphins han ganado cuatro veces/no han ganado nunca hasta ahora
    • what I need is a win in the lotterylo que necesito es sacarme la lotería

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